Sunday 1 April 2018

UK Trip

Hey there blog surfers! Welcome back to another post. Today I am going to show you a few photos of where I am and what I did today.

Here is me opening the door to Dorchester Abbey

Here is a stain class window in the Abbey

Here I am standing in a graveyard behind me is a cottage made of grass and wood

Here is me and my family standing by the Goring lock


  1. Hi Leo, hows your holiday? I was just wondering what was it like in the Dorchester Abbey wen you opened the door was it big?
    Goodbye and looking forward to what your up to next.

    1. Hi Mariah, my holiday has been great so far. Dorchester Abbey was amazing there was so much stained glass. Thanks for the comment!

  2. hi Leo, really cool stuff. Please tell me there is EB games there
    and is there cool food and drinks? How long did it take to get to England.
    Can you play fortnite?

    1. Hi there Rawiri! I am sorry to say there is no EB Games here, the food is pretty amazing (it actually depends on who you are staying with). To get here it took about 25 hours. But I can play Fortnite because my cousin has it on his X box one. Blog Ya Later!

  3. Hi Leo! It sure looks like your having a great time up in the UK! I was wondering how cold is it up there? You look like you dressed up very warm. That's all I have to say. Bye Leo can't wait to see what your next trip is!

  4. Hi leo. Nice to see you back on the blog. I hope you had a nice time there. I wish you the best and I will look forward to seeing you after your safe trip to Paris.

  5. Is it 0 degrees? What food did you eat? The photo is very awesome. You look cool. Ronan

  6. Hi Leo
    What is the temperature there?
    I was wondering because you are wearing lots of things and the puffer jacket.

  7. WOW!!! Leo that looks so cool, are you going to any other places. Whats the weather and temperature like over there? Please send more pictures of where you visit and what you see, I hope you enjoy your holiday. Blog ya soon Lucas


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